1. Hematology (Investigation Rate)
- Hb 100
- T.L.C. 100
- D.L.C. 100
- E.S.R. 100
- R.B.C. 150
- P.C.V. 150
- Prothrombin Time (P.T.) with INR 300
- Platelet 150
- A.E.C. 150
- Peripheral Smear 200
- M.P. 150
- P.T.T.K. 400
- M.C.H.C. 100
- Micro Filaria 400
- R.D.W. 100
- Hemogram with P.S. 400
- Reticulocyte Count 200
- CBC 300
- Blood Group ABO-Rh 120
- Bleeding Time (B.T.) 100
- Clotting Time (C.T.) 100
- Coagulation Profile 1100
- Clot Retraction Time (C.R.T.) 150

- G6PD (Quantitative) 600
- CD3 CD4 1200
- Direct Coombs Test 300
- Indirect Coombs Test 500
- Glycosylated Hb (HbA1c) 450
- Serum Iron 300
- TIBC 300
- HB Electrophoresis 900
- Serum Ferritin 600
- Total Iron Saturation 300
- Bone Marrow Reporting 600
- L.E. Cell 500
- G6PD (Qualitative) 500
2. Biochemistry (Investigation Rate)
- Sugar (Glucose) Each Sample 70
- Sugar F & PP 140
- Sugar Glucometer 70
- HbA1C 450
- G.T.T. 300
- Lipid Profile 600
- Extended Lipid Profile 1800
- APOLipop (A & B) 1400
- Cholestrol 150
- HDL 200
- LDL 350
- Trigylicerides 250
- V.L.D.L. 150
- Apo Lipo Proteins A1 (Apo A1) & B 1400
- Insulin (F) 600
- CPK 350
- CPK MB 500
- LDH 400
- Troponin - I 1500
- Hemogram witha P.S. 400
- Protein Electrophoresis 900
- Magnesium 400
- C. Peptide 900
- Folic Acid (Folate) 900
- Homocysteine 900
- Plasma Lactate 800
- Ceruloplasmin 830
- TPHA 500
- Insulin (PP) 600

3. LIVER FUNCTION TEST (LFT) Biochemistry Investigation Rate
- Bilirubin 200
- S.G.O.T. (ALT) 120
- S.G.P.T. (AST) 120
- Alkaline Phosphatase 150
- Serum Protein & A:G Ratio 150
- GGTP (Gamma GT) 250

4 . KIDNEY FUNCTION TEST (KFT) Biochemistry Investigation Rate
- Urea 120
- BUN 120
- Creatinine 120
- Phosphorous 150
- Uric Acid 120
- Sodium / Potassium 350
- Serum Alkaline Phosphatase 150
- Calcium (ionic) 350

5 . Microbiology (Investigation Rate )
- Urine C/S 500
- All other Pyogenic C/S (Normal) 500
- Phosphorous 150
- Sputum for A.F.B. 400
- Fungal Smear 300
- All other Pyrogenic C/S (Bactec) 850
- Blood C/S Conventional 600
- Blood C/S Bactec (Rapid) (Mini API) 850
- Blood Culture Fungal 600
- Sputum for Gram Stain 300
- Urethral Smear/Pus for Gonococci 300
- K.O.H. Preparation 250
- Vaginal Swab (R.E.) 400
- Z.N./Gram/Giemsa Stain (Each) 300
- A.F.B. C/S (Rapid) 850
- Throat Swab for KLB (Albert Stain) 200
- Tzanck Smear 200
- Sputum for Occult Blood 150

6 . Histopathology (Investigation Rate )
- Endometrial Biopsy 1000
- Small Biopsy 1000
- Large Biopsy 1500
- Whole Organ 1200
- E. Biopsy for AFB 300
- Histopath Slides for Review 400

7 . Tumour Markers (Investigation Rate )
- Investigation Rate
- AFP 700
- PSA (Total) 600
- Thyroglobulin (Tg Cancer Marker) 1460
- PSA (Free) 900
- CEA 600
- CA-125 1100
- CA-19.9 1100
- CA-15.3 1100
- CA-72.4 1300

8 . Urine Examination (Investigation Rate )
- Routine & Microscopic Examination 120
- Bile Salts 100
- Bile Pigments 100
- Urinary Specific Gravity 1000
- Porphobilinogen 200
- Creatinine Clearance Ratio (C.C.R.) 350
- Urobilinogen 100
- Ketone Bodies (Acetone) 200
- Urinary Microalbuminuria 450
- Urinary Microalbuminuria (24 Hrs) 500
- Urinary Proteins (24 Hrs) 200
- Urinary Uric Acid 200
- Urinary MAU / Creatinine Ratio 600
- Bence Jones Proteins 200
- Pregnancy Test (Immunochromatography) 100
- Urinary Creatinine (24 Hrs) 200
- Urinary Uric Acid (24 Hrs) 200
- Urinary Sugar (24 Hrs.) 200

- Urinary Calcium (24 Hrs.) 200
- Urinary Calcium 200
- Urinary Amylase 400
- Urinary Ph 100
- Red Cells for Morphology 200
- Urinary Urea (24 Hrs.) B.U.N. (Each) 180
- Urinary PO4 (24 Hrs.) 180
- Urinary Sugar 20
- PCR for Tuberculosis 1800
- Urinary Albumin 50
- Urine for Cytology (Malignant Cells) 400
- Urinary Creatinine/Protein/Na/K (Each) 180
- Urine for Occult Blood 100
- Spot Urine for Protein/ Creatinine Ratio 450
- Urinary Porphyrins (Qualitative) 300
- Spot Urine for Calcium/ Creatinine Ratio 300
9 . Rate List and prices for all digital X-Ray related investigations and scans are provided below. We have state-of-the-art equipment and trained professional technicians for performing all X-Ray exams.(Investigations Rate)
- X-Ray Chest 400
- X-Ray Abdomen 400
- X-Ray KUB (Two Film) 800
- X-Ray Any (per exposure) 400
- T.M. Joint (Open & Close) Each 600
- RGU 3500
- I.V.P. (Non Lonic) 3000
- H.S.G. 3000
- Sinogram 3500
- Barium Meal Swallow 2000
- Barium Meal UGIT 3000
- MCU 3500
- BMFT 3000
- Barium Enema 3000
- Barium Enema (Double Contrast) 4000
- Barium Meal (Complete) 5000
- Fistulogram 3500
- Urinary Sugar (24 Hrs.) 200
- MCU + RGU 5500

10 . Complete range of Ultrasound scanning services. Although it is not necessary to take appointments for ultrasound scan investigations, it is recommended to take a prior appointment so that there is minimum wait time. (Investigations Rate)
- USG Upper Abdomen 1000
- USG Lower Abdomen (Pelvis) 1000
- USG Lower Abdomen with TVS 1300
- USG KUB / Prostrate 1000
- USG Whole Abdomen with PVR 1700
- USG Whole Abdomen with TVS 2000
- USG Whole Abdomen 1500
- USG KUB with PVR 1200

11. PREGNANCY SCANS (Doctor prescription and Government Approved Valid ID Proof is MANDATORY for USG):
- Obstetrics (Single Fetus<11wk) 1300 Obstetrics Color Doppler2000
- Obstetrics Biophysical Profile 2000 Obstetrics CD + BPS 3000
- USG Level II Obst. 3000
- USG for RPOC 1300
- Single Day Follicular Study 1000
- USG Thyroid 2000
- USG Neck 2000
- Carotid Doppler (Both Sides) 2500
- One Limb (Venous) 2000
- Follicular Study (upto 5 studies) 4000
- USG Chest 1500
- USG Neonatal Brain1500
- USG Orbits (Both)2000 USG Breast 2000
- USG Soft Tissues 2000
- USG Musculo-Skelatal2000
- USG Scrotum/ Testis 2000
- TRUS (Trans Rectal) 3000
- One Limb (Arterial) 2000
- Both Limbs (Arterial)4000
- Both Limbs (Venous) 4000
- All four Limbs (Arterial & Venous)15000
- Renal Doppler 2000
- Obstetric Doppler 2000
- Scrotum Doppler 2000
- Abdominal Doppler (Liver) 2000
- USG Scrotum/ Testis 2000
- Gynae. Doppler 2000
12. ECG or Electrocardiography scanning services at the best price and quality in Delhi. We use the state-of-the-art ECG machine for all ECG investigations, giving you precise and accurate results.